Interpretasi Figur Kepala Negara: Analisis Visual Karya Seni Bak Truk di Komunitas Truk Malang
kepala negara, karya seni, interpretasi, trukAbstract
Tulisan ini menjabarkan hasil analisis interpretasi figur kepala negara, mendiskusikan kehadiran komunitas truk Malang yang dikenal sebagai "truck art" yang merupakan manifestasi ekspresi artistik, unik dan penuh warna pada dinding kanvas truk-truk besar. Karya seni truk ini tidak hanya menghiasi jalanan, tetapi juga berfungsi sebagai identitas komunitas para pemilik truk sebagai simbol status sosial, selera artistik, bahkan kepercayaan spiritual. Kepala negara menjadi figur yang mendapat posisi penting dalam seni komunitas ini. Penelitian dilakukan di wilayah Malang dan sekitarnya dengan metode observasi lapangan, wawancara mendalam dan kajian visual. Metode kualitatif secara deskriptif dalam penelitian ini mampu menangkap pengalaman-pengalaman yang kontekstual melalui pendekatan hermeneutika. Melalui tafsiran ini, figur kepala negara menjadi subyek ekspresi seni yang dilatarbelakangi aspek sosial, budaya dan politik dari komunitas truk Malang.
This article describes the results of an analysis of the interpretation about figure of the head of state that discussing the presence of the Malang truck community known as "truck art" which is a manifestation of artistic, unique and colorful expression on the canvas walls of large trucks. These truck artworks not only present on the streets, but also serve as an identity for the community of truck owners as symbols of social status, artistic tastes, and even their spiritual beliefs. The head of state is a figure who has an important position in the art of this community. The research was conducted in the Malang area and its surroundings using field observation methods, in-depth interviews and visual studies. The descriptive qualitative method in this research is able to capture contextual experiences through a hermeneutical approach. Through its interpretation, the figure of the head of state becomes the subject of an artistic expression based on the social, cultural and political aspects of the Malang truck community.